Chilling in Chiang Mai
We finally arrived in Chiang Mai at around 11 at night and our first thoughts were: Wow, that is a big city and wow, how many tourists there are! Fortunately, our guesthouse was a bit offside the happenings but still close enough to be there in a bit.
On our first day we had some relaxation for our bodies and worked on our blog. In the evening we had a reunion with the Swiss Roger and Silvia, yay! 🙂 As they had to do some repairs on their motorbike and their car they were kind of stuck in Chiang Mai. For us it was a possibility to go out for dinner and have a nice chat again. As they would proceed towards Cambodia this should really be our “last supper”, at least on this trip. Who knows, probably we see each other again in Middle Europe. 😉
To be honest we were a bit overstrained by the touristy offers in Chiang Mai. We didn’t want to do another trek into the jungle as we had already done that before in Laos. Also we didn’t want to drive somewhere else in the nearer surroundings which would have been to stressful for us. Therefore, we only visited the old town, the night bazar and the food, of course. 😀
The night bazar was a disappointment though: it’s extremely touristy and there is a lot of trumpery to buy. Only the wonderful pictures that some of the artists there were painting were interesting, and the t-shirt of Arnie which Stefan had to buy. 😉
On the other hand the route to the night bazar and back home was quite juicy as we had to pass by a lot of bars in front of which hostesses (or so…) were waiting for customers to come. A bit shady, this street, but we think we should see things like that when in Thailand.
Of course we also went to see some temples, had an excellent Thai massage, Stefan finally got his ears professionally cleaned and Alexandra tried to get an actual hair cut. All in all we thought our stay in Chiang Mai to be quite productive as we also had enough time to chill. 😉
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