Ukraine, part two
On Thursday we left Lutsk towards Belarus, unfortunately, the ride on the bumpy roads was accompagnied by annoying horseflies.
As comfort we found a nearly brand new and cheap hotel in Manevychi. For dinner, of course, we had some pizza and afterwards we enjoyed one or two beers on the sunny veranda of the hotel.
There three Ukrainian rascals entertained us quite well – or did we entertain them? We couldn’t tell! 😉
For our last night in the Ukraine we stayed in Lyubeshiv and on Saturday we finally arrived at the Ukrainian border crossing to Belarus – about 5 km before the navi had told us so.
Once again everybody was very friendly, one officer could also speak German.
So leaving the Ukraine was not a problem at all, if entering Belarus would be this easy as well should turn out after a 5 km ride through no man’s land.
Conclusion Ukraine: It’s people are very poor, what on the other hand made our stay pretty cheap.
It is easy to see that we have left the EU as the standard is mostly quite low. The roads are very bumpy, therefore passing them quickly is not possible by bicycle.
For us the first real language barriers arrived here, what is our own fault, of course.
Also the Italian cuisine seems to be very popular in the Ukraine. 😉
Here some examples from the nice roads in Ukraine:
Furthermore, we now know that all the panicmongering about “war is everywhere in the Ukraine, just don’t go there” is complete nonsense – at least so far (and we hope it stays this way).
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